Services for Industry

Services for Industry

Saft offers a range of services to its industrial customers.

1st step: It starts with battery sizing software that generates battery drawings and electrical load profiles.

Battery sizing and configuration

For stationary applications, Saft’s BaSiCs battery sizing and configuration tool helps customers quickly find the right battery system for their backup, starting, or photovoltaic application. With BaSiCs, you can directly access our collection of battery and cell data sheets, as well as other relevant documents. BaSiCs helps you configure and generate your battery layout and can deliver a 3D model or an AutoCAD drawing for the configured battery system. Additionally, BaSiCs supports installation requirements in battery rooms, providing ventilation and heat generation information. 

For telecom battery sizing : Sizing : 


Download the 30-Day Trial Version of BaSiCs

Click here for the ZIP file including the user manual

Click here for the .MSI executable file

To install the software, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download Installation File: Save the ZIP file or the executable file to a directory on your computer.
  2. Run the Installer: Execute the file with the .MSI extension. (administrator rights are required)
  3. Use the Software: The application will open, and you can start sizing your battery system.
  4. Request an Account: For continued access, request an account under the “Activation” menu and select “Request Full Version.”
  5. User Manual: A user manual is included in the ZIP file to help you get started.

Note: After the 30-day trial period, the application is free to use but requires an approved account. 

2nd step: Installation and commissioning of the batteries

Saft can then oversee the installation and commissioning of the batteries to maximize battery life and performance. 

Our installation and commissioning service is designed to ensure customers enjoy rapid and safe start-up, whether they are purchasing individual products or interfacing with a complete system. It covers the implementation of appropriate factory settings, adjustments and optimization of their systems. We offer particular expertise in Li-ion technology, especially in electronics and automation, to interface with SCADA systems. 

Batteries installation

3rd step: Professional battery training

Saft also offers professional battery training, either at our facilities or at the customer's site. Your engineer will be able to keep abreast of the latest battery developments and carry out the correct maintenance procedures with full autonomy.   

Battery training

Ready to power up your projects?

Contact us today to discover how Saft's expert battery solutions and professional training can enhance your energy systems.