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Quality at Saft: what we do

Quality at Saft: what we do

Our products - January 10, 2025

With IoT devices, reliability matters.

That’s true of every device as developers want to be able to assure their customers of the safety, performance and operating lifespan of their product and its components. But it’s particularly true for devices that are deployed at the frontline of public health, as part of critical infrastructure, or in hazardous environments.

Click play below, to explore our animated journey through Saft's approach to maintaining the highest standards in each and every battery.


Saft has a reputation for producing batteries of the highest quality.

Micheil Boesel, Engineering Manager at Hefring Engineering, explains how they discovered that reputation when developing their ocean glider.

“When we started to ask people about these batteries, wanting a supplier with an excellent track record, people just said ‘Saft’. They were very well respected in the field. That journey has been everything we hoped, flawless in fact. The datasheets line up with the performance we’ve seen and it’s perfect for Oceanscout.”

Our R&D team is a big part of why we’re able to safely get the most out of different chemistries and cell configurations, without compromising on safety and reliability.

You can read more about how that team develops solutions to meet the changing demands of customers in our interview with Romain Cayzac, Technical Manager of the CSE division in Poitier.

Another key factor in maintaining quality is testing.

Saft conduct a range of in-house tests before shipping batteries to customers, and undertake detailed analysis on batteries that are returned at the end of their life ‘in the field’.

Those analyses provide even greater insight into the behavior of a battery once deployed, helping to inform future R&D and guiding customers towards the right battery for their device.

Find the right battery for you.

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