Renewable Storage

Renewable Storage

Saft energy storage systems are primarily designed to mitigate the intermittent nature of solar, wind, or hydro power plants, enhancing the value of the kilowatt hours generated and making power generation dispatchable.

1.5 GWh of Saft's wind and solar co-located BESS installed.

0.3€/kWh: generation cost per kWh of large-scale PV combined with storage. 

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Lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage Systems 

Making more of your renewable energy. 

Our solutions provide smoothing and ramp control to effectively manage these fluctuations. In addition, they offer energy block shaping and shifting, storing clean energy during periods of excess production and making it available during peak demand periods when prices are high. These generation smoothing and shifting capabilities are often combined with grid ancillary services to increase system revenues. 

We support our customers from inception through implementation and operation of their energy storage system. We design the optimum solution in terms of installed power (MW) and energy (MWh) for a given operating pattern, and ensure effective operation over the lifetime of the system - securing project returns over the long term.  

We provide turnkey solutions up to hundreds of MW, integrating a Saft lithium-ion battery system with power conversion devices, power control and energy management functions. 

Our expertise in complex multi-functional application schemes allows us to assist customers at every stage, delivering efficient and effective energy storage solutions.

Michael Lippert
Director of Innovations and Solutions for Energy
Michael Lippert

Meet our advanced batteries for renewable storage applications

Revolutionize your business with advanced battery technology from Saft!


Intensium Shift

Rechargeable Lithium
Intensium Shift
  • Energy 3.3MWh
  • Maximum DC power 1.5MW (2h)    0.75MW (4h)
  • Voltage 1500V
  • Temperature range -25°C to 55°C   (option -45°C)
  • 20-foot container with integrated HVAC
  • Design life 20 years
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Intensium® Max 20 High Energy (LFP)

Rechargeable Lithium
Intensium® Max 20 High Energy (LFP)
  • Energy 2.3 MWh
  • Maximum power 2.2 MW
  • Intensium High energy 1040V and 1400V
  • Temperature range -25°C to 55°C
  • 20-foot container
  • Design life 20 years
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Find out how Saft can meet your renewable storage needs.